College of Education
The College of Education strives to provide teaching, research and service opportunities that not only address provincial and reginal interests, but also accommodate national and international perspectives.
Dept. of Korean Language Education
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Dept. of Science Education
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Dept. of Mathematics Education
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Dept. of Science Education
The general science major, and the physics/chemistry education majors may contribute to the development of science education in today’s advanced science and informationization era. The department aims to educate and train science education teachers for the middle and high school general science (physics/chemistry), skilled with expert teaching skills and sound personality. Students in the department may obtain a 2nd degree license for a certified (physics/chemistry) teacher.
Name | Lim Ae-ran | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2514 | |
Name | Yoon Ma-Byong | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2849 | |
Name | Hyunje Park | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | Modern Physics, Quantum Mechanics | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2336 | |
Course No. | Course Name | Course Information |
13484 | Science and Mathematics(2) | Learning of mathematics in science is required. |
17516 | Exploring majors for Future Science Education | This course is designed to introduce science education and provide a vision for various majors as a 'major tasting' experience for freshmen in the College of Education with the option of free major selection. |
16764 | Science and Mathematics | Learning of mathematics in science is required. |
14852 | General Physics & Experiment | General Physics & Experiment(1) is the first semester of a two-semester sequence primarily for engineering and physical science students. Covers topics in mechanics (such as motion, Newton's laws, conservation laws, work, energy, systems of particles, and rotational motion), in mechanical waves (such as oscillations, wave motion, sound, and superposition), in thermal physics and in fluid mechanics. |
10717 | General Physcis and Experiments(2) | General Physics and Experiments (2) is a basic course of training for teacher of common science, and a requirement in training course for major teacher. Dynamics of particle, work and energy, law of energy conservation, rotational movement, measure of length, balance of power, free falling, single pendulum, centrifugal force, measure of inertial efficiency, law of Joule, measure of linear expansion are studied and experimented to understand fundamentals of physics. |
14495 | General Biology and Earth Science | An introduction to general biology, including cytology, genetics, anatomy, taxonomy, physiology, and ecology of living organisms. As Science teachers of tomorrow, students today face unprecedented challenges that include both ethical and technical issues regarding our planet and its environment. Through a series of outstanding courses, we make science accessible to non-majors, help students develop an understanding of Earth's systems, and prepare them for a changing world. |
14851 | General Chemistry and Experiment | Elementary of concepts of general chemistry is introduced. Atomic theory, nomenclatures, quantitative chemistry, chemical reaction, peoridic tables are major concerns. |
10721 | General Chemistry and Experiments(2) | Elementary of concepts of general chemistry is introduced. Principles, theories, rules, and parts of applied chemistry are studied. Acids-Bases, oxidation-reduction, electro-chemistry, and chemical reaction are major concerns. Experimental in chemistry carries out the electrochemical experiments such as electrochemical cell, electrochemical writing, electrolysis, conductivity, and ISE, and experiments for physical chemistry such as kinetics and molecular modeling, and inorganic chemical experiment such as electrochemical series in ligand field theory. |
17127 | Scientific writing and climate change education | This course aims to cultivate the student's writing skill by approaching deeply to the educational issue and to grow the competence of writing instruction at secondary school. In addition, we cultivate future educational literacy through education on ecological sensitivity and climate change. |
10715 | Physical Chemistry | It is the gain of lecture to know for students the major 2 parts of physical chemistry, thermodynamics and statistics. Atoms and molecules are reinterpreted based on the concepts of quantum chemistry. Various spectroscopic methods are introduced, such as Raman spectroscopy, rotational Raman spectroscopy, etc. |
14853 | Mechanics | The first of a two part course on mechanics and its education, this course deals with mechanics of particles and rigid bodies, gravitation, coordinate systems on the basis of linear and three dimensional movement of particles. Special attention will be paid to numerical analysis and vectors, differential equations and physical interpretations of mathem- atical presentations. |
11190 | Organic chemistry | From this lecture, students can understand the structure and bonding of organic compounds. And organic reactions and syntheses were included in this fundamental organic chemistry course. In this lecture general organic reactions and mechanisms are studied. Some chemical instruments used to analyze the chemical structure were included. Bonding and Structures of Organic Compounds are studied. Principles of Organic reactions are also studied. Students can find products of the Organic reactions through Organic reaction mechanism. |
14669 | General Biology and Experiments | General Biology is the first course and essential to advanced the study of Life. We focuses on the chemical and cellular foundations of life, the genetic basis of life, form and function of plant and animal life, evolution and diversity. |
13806 | Computational Physcis | This course will discuss topics like algorisms, demonstrations, simulations, and Web sites for computer-assisted physics education. |
13808 | Modern Physics | Introduction to the concepts of modern physics. Special relativity, quantum mechanics, atomic and molecular structures statistical physics, solid state physics and nuclear physics will be reviewed. mechanics, solid physics, nuclear physics, particle physics, etc.. |
16763 | Inquiry and History of Science | This course is to learn the real nature of science and function of society through the study of changing process of science with social and thoughtful elements and that of history. Doing the structural and analytical experiments of various middle school science, they learn the way that their students understand the meaning of experiment easily, and protect sudden accident for safety. |
11186 | Zoology | Zoology is the branch of natural science dealing with the structure, function, behavior, classification, distribution, metabolism, evolution, variation, heredity, and interaction with the environment of invertebrates and vertebrates. The subject also serves as the basis for the agriculture (animal husbandry, veterinary science), science of fisheries, medicine, dentistry, and health fields. |
14078 | Physical Chemistry(2) | It is the gain of lecture to know for students the major 2 parts of physical chemistry, thermodynamics and statistics. Atoms and molecules are reinterpreted based on the concepts of quantum chemistry. Various spectroscopic methods are introduced, such as Raman spectroscopy, rotational Raman spectroscopy, etc. |
14077 | Mechanics(2) | As the second part of the courses on mechanics, this clas deals with mechanics of continuous materials, analytical mechanic including Lagrangian equations, rotation of rigid body, and special relativity. |
14079 | Organic Chemistry(2) | Elementary of concepts of general chemistry is introduced. Principles, theories, rules, and parts of applied chemistry are studied. Acids-Bases, oxidation-reduction, electro-chemistry, and chemical reaction are major concerns. Experimental in chemistry carries out the electrochemical experiments such as electrochemical cell, electrochemical writing, electrolysis, conductivity, and ISE, and experiments for physical chemistry such as kinetics and molecular modeling, and inorganic chemical experiment such as electrochemical series in ligand field theory. |
10720 | General Earth Science and Experiments(2) | This study provides the growth of thinking skills and skills of solving the questions related to General Earth Science, and obtain basic fundamentals as well as general idea. That handles general view, dynamical changes and energy of earth, environment and position in the space, and evolution of earth and space. |
16188 | Electromagnetic Experiment | This course covers the general properties, law, and applications of electricity and magnetism theory of electrostatics electromagnetic field, circuit theory and simple treatment of electromagnetic wave theory |
11203 | Science curriculum and educational theory | It studies the overall subject, ranging from the historical background of science education, goal of secondary science education, to analysis of science curriculum. It focuses on the details of secondary science curriculum, such as the actuality of science class and process-oriented evaluation, and teaches to foster a teacher competency to deal with future society in creative and active manner. |
11195 | Teaching theory in science education | This course handles the practice of the principles and method of learning guidance of middle school science. By understanding analyzing science text books, lesson plans and skills of making teaching materials, can increase the efficiency of learning science and can have proper valuation skills. |
14854 | Science subject teaching materials and methods | It builds actual experience in secondary science teaching, including the analysis of nature of science subject and materials, preparation of teaching plan, teaching methods, etc. It reinforces the connection with teaching practice in school and focuses on the operation of combined curriculum. |
14372 | Teaching theory in science education | By understanding that the study of science is the education which can manage originally and activity in the age of future modern science, this course studies substantiality of middle school science education |
11196 | Inorganic chemistry | Elementary concepts for quantum chemistry, group theory, crystallography, and band theory are introduced. Chemistry and physics of transition metals are studied based on the concepts in Inorganic Chemistry. |
14357 | Physical Curriculum and Educational | It studies the overall subject, ranging from the historical background of science education, goal of secondary physics education, to analysis of science curriculum. It focuses on the details of secondary physics curriculum, such as the actuality of science class and process-oriented evaluation, and teaches to foster a teacher competency to deal with future society in creative and active manner. |
14855 | Physics subject teaching materials and methods | It builds actual experience in secondary science teaching (physics), including the analysis of nature of science subject and materials, preparation of teaching plan, teaching methods, etc. It reinforces the connection with teaching practice in school and focuses on the operation of combined curriculum. |
14255 | Physical Chemistry Experiment | Dealing with the physical properties of the compound, and the field of chemistry, and how they depend on the nature of the chemical bond, and whether the study |
11191 | Analytical chemistry | Analytical chemistry deals with the chemical equilibrium, the systematic treatment in equilibrium, activity, acid-base equilibrium that is basic concept needed to study analytical chemistry. Analytical chemistry also describes the principles and application for the chelate and redox titration, and also the basic principles of electrochemistry including potentiometry, electrogravimetry, coulometry, and voltametry. |
14256 | Analytical Chemistry Experiment | Compounds of the various components of the study to find out how |
14599 | Quantum mechanics | Forms the basis of quantum physics, the teory of the system. Atoms, molecules, particles, etc. are applied to the target micro-dynamics of the macroscopic phenomena of classical mechanics are applied universally and there are many conflicting parts. With the advent of quantum mechanics, a variety of properties, including physics, great advances were made in the field of physics. |
14241 | Studies on Thermal and Statistical Physics | Observed in two senses in the quest for a possible target, directly or indirectly, in connection with our life has been made ??up, senses perspective, there is no gas in the size and shape, the size, but the shape is not liquid, the size and shape of the solid type they have been studied and the characteristics of each. In this class of gas and related sectors in the field of thermal and statistical physics are studied. |
11193 | Electromagnetism | In this course, students will study basic theoretical backgrounds of electromagnetism, including vector interpretation, electronics, magnetic field, electromagnetic field and effective learning and teaching methods of electromagnetism |
14242 | Wave optics | As the light waves to treat refers to a division of physical optics interference of light. Diffraction. Distributed. Phenomena, and these phenomena, such as polarization on the optical properties of the material is aimed mainly research. |
14358 | Chemistry curriculum and Educational theory | It studies the overall subject, ranging from the historical background of science education, goal of secondary science(chemistry) education, to analysis of science curriculum. It focuses on the details of secondary science(chemistry) curriculum, such as the actuality of science class and process-oriented evaluation, and teaches to foster a teacher competency to deal with future society in creative and active manner. |
14856 | Chemistry subject teaching materials and methods | It builds actual experience in secondary science teaching (chemistry), including the analysis of nature of science subject and materials, preparation of teaching plan, teaching methods, etc. It reinforces the connection with teaching practice in school and focuses on the operation of combined curriculum. |
13809 | Honor Physics | In this course, the same contents as in Physics 1 and II are taught at a more, conceptually and mathematically, advanced level. Topics to be dealt with include Newton's law, force and motion, conservation of momentum, work, potential energy and conservation of energy, torque and angular momentum, rigid bodies and rotational motion, gravitation, fluids, vibrational motion, waves, entropy and the laws of thermodynamics. This course is intended for more advanced students with some degree of familiarity with the materials in Physics 1 and II already. |
13814 | Advanced Chemistry | Advanced concepts of general chemistry is inrtroduced. Principles, theories, rules, and part of advanced chemistry of general chemistry are studied. Electrochemistry, chemical egu:Librium, chemical thermo dynamics, and complex of transition metals and major concerns. |
11187 | Solid state physics | Solid State Physics is a sphere to develop and applicate new materials, and study about mechanics, thermal, electric, magnetic properties of solid. This course studies about semiconductor DRAM, superconductor, the develop of solar cell which are motive power of modern industry. |
14254 | Inorganic chemistry(2) | Elementary concepts for quantum chemistry, group theory, crystallography, and band theory are introduced. Chemistry and physics of transition metals are studied based on the concepts in Inorganic Chemistry. |
16765 | Physical Organic Chemistry | Dealing with the physical properties of organic compounds, and the field of chemistry. In addition, the nature of these bonds depends on whether what the study. |
14253 | Analytical chemistry(2) | Analysis of the basic concepts of chemistry dealing with chemical equilibrium and equilibrium of systematic processing, activity, acid-base equilibrium covers, chelating learn the theory and application for the appropriate oxidation-reduction and electrochemistry of the basic principles and potential jabeop, electrolytic Weight analysis, analysis and voltammetry, such as electricity are studied. |
11194 | Astronomy | This course is to study that astronomy is the subject to understand of space and fundamental of human by study of theories and by observe of the natural phenomena about wide space that happen inside it. Also students discuss and develop an effective teaching method of astronomy which is a study to contribute of scientific usage of space environment. |
16189 | Wave optics(2) | This course covers opt+ics phenomenology associated with structures of nature and to learn teaching skills based on advanced theoretical physics paradigm, by studying theories of the wave optics, laser optics and geometrical optics such as (i) reflection and refraction laws and their properties and applications, (ii) Fermat principle and itsusages, (iii) laws of mirror and lens and their properties and optical devices, (iv) interferences, diffraction and lattice polarization |
13411 | Science teaching education Logic and Essay writing | It teaches the logic and discussion about logical thinking, scientific knowledge, creative teaching method, etc. for subject education and actual classes in secondary science education. |
11188 | Atmospheric science | This course is to study environment problem of earth such that warming problem of earth, destruction of ozone layer, destroyment of mode of life those are get significant in 21th century. The atmospheric science deals with not only traditional area such as air pollution and weather forecast but also ocean science and ecology. |
14489 | Inorganic Chemistry Experiment | Inorganic components of quality study of how to get |
14487 | Experimental Physics Education | Physical education to have enough knowledge to understand and study of how to get |
14493 | Logic and Essay writing of Physics | It teaches the logic and discussion about logical thinking, scientific knowledge, creative teaching method, etc. for subject education and actual classes in secondary science(physics) education. |
13071 | Cytology | The cell is the minimum unit of life. Our goal in this study is to examine some of the structures of cell so characteristic of living matter and some of the structure and function of the macromolecules (DNA, RNA, and protein etc). Also the synthesis of those macromolecules (DNA replication, transcription and translation etc), the genetic engineering and the regulation of gene expression will reviewed in detail. |
14488 | Organic Chemistry Lab | Organic compounds constituents study of how to get |
14240 | General Biology and Experiment (2) | General Biology is the first course and essential to advanced the study of Life. We focuses on the chemical and cellular foundations of life, the genetic basis of life, form and function of plant and animal life, evolution and diversity. |
14850 | General Earth Science and Experiments | This study provides the growth of thinking skills and skills of solving the questions related to General Earth Science, and obtain basic fundamentals as well as general idea. That handles general view, dynamical changes and energy of earth, environment and position in the space, and evolution of earth and space. |
14494 | Logic and Essay writing of Chemistry | It teaches the logic and discussion about logical thinking, scientific knowledge, creative teaching method, etc. for subject education and actual classes in secondary science(chemistry) education. |
14858 | Advanced Statistical Physics | This course using a variety of statistical physics problem solving is to acquire the necessary information. |
11200 | Thesis writing and its presentation | This course is to help students who prepare their graduation theses. Detail contents of thesis frame and patterning of theses about science teaching are studied, and practiced with making out and presentation. |
16031 | Inorganic Chemistry Seminar | Inorganic Chemicals (1), (2) on the basis of the basic content learned recently organized around the theme of the class by the in-depth understanding of inorganic chemistry allows. |
14246 | Exploration and practice of physics | Physical education for the general knowledge about the subject that you want to explore. |
16029 | Physical Chemistry Seminar | Physical Chemistry (1), (2) on the basis of the learned base regularly organized around the theme of a recent class by in-depth understanding of the physical chemistry allows. |
11189 | Microbiology | Microbiology is the studies deals with the role of microbes, the general principles of cell structure and function, the classification and diversity of microorganisms, biochemical process in cells, and the general basis of the microbial growth and evolution. It also serves as the basis for further studies in cell biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, and geneties. |
16030 | Analytical Chemistry Seminar | Organic Chemistry (1), (2) on the basis of the basic content learned recently organized around the theme of the lesson by in-depth understanding of organic chemistry allows. |
11197 | Quantum physics | As one of the advanced undergraduate study, this is an essential course for fundamental concepts of modern physics. This course includes limits of classical physics, basic concepts of quantum mechanics, Schrodinger equation and its application, operators, hydrogen atom, SHM and operators etc. |
14491 | Quantum mechanics(2) | Forms the basis of quantum physics, the theory of the system. Atoms, molecules, particles, etc. are applied to the target micro-dynamics of the macroscopic phenomena of classical mechanics are applied universally and there are many conflicting parts. With the advent of quantum mechanics, a variety of properties, including physics, great advances were made in the field of physics. |
16033 | Thermal Physics Seminar | Thermodynamics of a branch of physics dealing with the physical properties |
16766 | Organic Spectroscopy | Spectroscopy study of organic ingredients |
16767 | Organic Chemistry(3) | Organic Chemistry (1), (2) on the basis of the basic content learned recently organized around the theme of the lesson by in-depth understanding of organic chemistry allows. |
14857 | Particle Physics | Of particle physics, the branch of physics dealing with the physical properties |
14490 | Electromagnetism(2) | In this course, students will study basic theoretical backgrounds of electromagnetism, including vector interpretation, electronics, magnetic field, electromagnetic field and effective learning and teaching methods of electromagnetism. |
14247 | Chemical explore and practice | Chemicals for education overall knowledge about the subject that you want to explore. |
Dept. of Korean Language Education
The Department of Korean Education educates and trains teachers who will teach Korean in middle and high schools. Students will be required to learn how to listen, speak, read, and write correctly in Korean, as well as the ability to teach Korean in such ways. They’ll also be required to prepare themselves as teachers of the future, by learning the ways to teach Korean in interesting and efficient methods by thoroughly understanding Korean and Korean literature.
Name | Lee Hee Joong | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | Poetics, Poetry Education, Criticism, Literature, Literary Works, Writing, Reading | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2296 | |
Name | Park Kibeom | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | Plan and Practice of Korean Language Education / Theories in Teaching Korean Literature / Methods and Materials in Teaching Korean Education / Understanding Korean Language Education / Practice Teaching Korean Subject / Theories in Teaching Modern novel | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-4634 | |
Name | Yu Kyung-Min | ||
Position | Associate Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2280 | |
Name | Ha, Youngwoo | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2313 | |
Name | Yu JeongRan | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2350 | |
Course No. | Course Name | Course Information |
17519 | Future Society and Korean Education | This course aims to aid in understanding changes in future society and Korean language education in the digital AI era, providing guidance for students choosing their field of study. It aims to focus on acquiring language skills for leading the future and exploring AI applications in Korean language education. Additionally, through education technology-based Korean language instruction and digital media literacy education, the course aims to develop critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills. |
06990 | Introduction to Korean Literature | We'll discuss " What is Korean literature?", What kind of genres in Korean literature?, and What is form and content of the genre?" |
12855 | Introduction to Linguistics | In this course, students will conduct an in-depth study of phonetics, phonology, morphology, and syntax in order to understand the forms, structures, meanings, and functions of Korean language. |
13076 | Reading and discussion of Korean literary works | The objective of this course is to investigate the list of essentials of Korean literary works and to read parts of original texts of them. On this course, students will write papers about literary works and discuss the meaning of them to prepare basic ability on Korean Literature. |
17128 | Understanding Korean Linguistic Texts and Big Data | This lecture aims to understand Korean language materials from the creation of Hunminjeongeum to modern Korean based on general theories of Korean linguistics. In addition, through building and analyzing Korean data and practicing data analysis based on group learning, we will gain an integrated understanding of the relationship between AI, the language industry, and Korean language materials, which are the core of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Through this, we provide basic learning skills in Korean linguistics theory and promote integrated education on data construction and processing analysis skills, and the relationship between the language industry and AI. |
16179 | Critical Writing for Pre-Teacher | This course aims to cultivate the student’s writing skill by approaching deeply to the educational issue and to grow the competence of writing instruction at secondary school |
14861 | History of Korean literature1 | This is the purpose to inspect the outline of Korean ancient literature. We'll inspect the understanding on genre and works of Korean literature. |
12857 | Understanding Korean Language Education | As a Korean teacher, students must have sight for Korean language education. In this subject, students learn the goal and contents of Korean language education. |
16312 | Studies in Teaching Korean Grammar | This course intends to develop a methodology to teach the general knowledge of school grammar and understand the value and significance of school grammar and its research. While focusing on morphology and syntax, the course will also link lexicology and language norms and regulations to school grammar. |
11533 | Korean Phonology Theories | We are going to lecture on the function, opposition, a course of system and changes of Korean phoneme, and teach students the infinite generative rule, including being understood the universal general theory. |
06627 | Education of Korean Syntax | The purpose of this course is to provide professional knowledge of Korean syntax and at the same time to improve students' ability to construct grammatically correct sentences through the study of sentence structures and sentence construction rules of Korean language. |
08080 | Korean Orthogarphy | The objective of this course is to acquisit Korean orthography. Students must know all of rule and system of Koean orthography and they will discuss its reasonabilty. |
10109 | Education of Reading | Reading is very important skill in future society. In this course, students learn why and what and how to teach reading in middle and high school. |
10111 | Modern Novels Teaching Theories | How to teach Korean modern novels. At firsr student will learn how to analysis & evaluate novels, then they learn design class for teaching novels, drama in education. |
10110 | Studies of Teaching Korean Modern Poetry | This course intends to learn, research and discuss the various poetic theories and the desirable attitudes to reading poetry and therefore training readers to face poems in a self-determining way and assertively is most important and furthermore it extends to train readers to have the ability to read poems in a voluntary way. |
08363 | Plan and Practice of Korean Language Education | As a Korean teacher, student has to be able to know how to construct curriculum, plan teaching and learning, compose teaching material and plan evaluation. This class aims to make students promote these practical ability. |
14862 | Methods and Materials in Teaching Korean Education | As a Korean teacher, students must have know-how about how to teach Korean. In this subject, students practice instruction and lecture of Korean language education. |
05496 | History of korean characters | We synthetically analyze and guide the change of Phonological system, the course of historical changes of vocabulary and sentence pattern from ancient Korean to modern Korean. |
14860 | Pedagogy of Communication) | The goal of this course is to improve the ability to speak accurately and listen clearly, thereby improving the overall ability of communication through speech. The knowledge and skill from this course will equip the students with qualities necessary for teaching the middle and high school students. |
07470 | Studies of Teaching Korean Classical Prose | The course is a general survey of Korean classical prose such as old novel, miscellaneous writings and essays. Students will study major authors and works that characterize Korean classical prose by reading original texts. This Course also seeks ways to utilize such studies in education. |
06864 | Studies of Teaching Korean Classical Poetry | This course offers students a general sense of discrimination in Korean classical poetry. It also emphasizes the studies of the historical and aesthetic characteristics of representative works and genres. It seeks ways to utilize such studies in education. |
15395 | Media Language Education | The mass media that are important communication function of modern society become important contents and method of Korean language education because of its linguistic property. This class aims to understand the linguistic properties of various mass media in modern society and to develop ways and attitudes to use them effectively in communication. |
10361 | Education of Writing | The objective of this course is to make researches in teaching and programing method of writing education in middle and high school. Students will understand usefulness of writing and study basic principles and practical techniques of writing education. |
14992 | Theory of Middle Korean Grammar | The objective of this course is to enhance an understanding of the grammar structure of the middle Korean language. This course also intends to improve an understanding of the history of Korean language, thereby building up the reading competency of the old Korean texts. |
06863 | History of Modern Literature | This lecture deals with history of korean modern literature. Student will learn representative korean modern novels, poetries, drama and critical essays. And student will be trained how to design class for teaching Korean literature in high school. |
13486 | Logic and Essay writing in Korean | The course is an in depth course on Critical writing for Pre-teacher. The objective of this course is writing an in-depth essay about various issues related to Korean education. Through this course, students will promote understanding about Korean education as Korean education majors, as well as writing skill. |
13485 | Theories in Teaching Koeran Literature | This subject aims to make students recognize substance and significance of literature education and grow fundamental knowledge about it. For this goal, it contains perspective for literature, correlation between language education and literature education, the goal, content, method of literature education etc. |
15943 | Reading and Seminar in Korean Classical Literature | This class aims to train students to be qualified literature teachers by improving their abilities to appreciate and analyze literary works through the close reading, presentation and discussion of the major works of Korean classical literature. This course is run in a seminar format. |
14343 | Understanding of Korean Classical Literature | This lecture aims to look into the main genres and works of Korean classical literature with a critical eye by analyzing the various features of the topic. |
12671 | Practice Teaching Korean | The objective of this course, as one of classes of last term, is to practice and check teaching Korean language and literature. |
15603 | Seminar of teaching Korean grammar | This course will focus on learning conceptions and principles that can be applied to actual Korean grammar teaching in the classroom. This course aims that to study and research Korean history, phonology, vocabulary, sentence structure, semantics and pragmatics, and investigate the proper educational methodology for Korean grammar. |
06464 | Korean lexicology | Understanding Characteristic of Korean Vocabulary and the meaning of words as a sentence elements. moreover, learning about ability of right vocabulary. Cultivate ability of teaching how to use right vocabulary for elementary school students. |
10712 | Reading Korean Literature | The objective of this course is to develop skills in appreciation of Korean literature. Students will read novels and poems and discuss their structure, themes and styles. |
15942 | Reading and Seminar in Korean Modern Literature | This class aims to train students to be qualified literature teachers by improving their abilities to appreciate and analyze literary works through the close reading, presentation and discussion of the major works of Korean literature among such important genres as poetry, novel and drama. This course is run in a seminar format. |
Dept. of Mathematics Education
The Department of Mathematics Education aims to educate and train secondary school math teachers with overall on-site adaptability. In order to achieve this, the curriculum trains students through guided learning in theory, practice, dis-cussion, presentation, education, and media production, tailored to the educational environment of the 21st century, to foster the ability. The department prides itself in a strong trust relationship between the faculty and students, through a unique student counseling method. In preparation for mathematics teacher certification examination, group learning with prospective teachers are enabled, and mathematical experts in the field are often invited to speak to strengthen the field education experience of the students.
Name | Kim Namhee | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | Mathematics Education | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2335 | |
Name | PARK SUNG HEE | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | Calculus / Analysis / Complex Analysis / Mathematics for Artificial Intelligence | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-3083 | |
Name | Hong Kyusik | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | Algebraic Geometry (Birational Geometry), Differential Geometry | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2360 | |
Name | Park, Seonjeong | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | Topology / Geometry | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2373 | |
Name | Kim Seongyeon | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2447 | |
Course No. | Course Name | Course Information |
15915 | Calculus and Practice(1) | In Calculus 1 we study about basic notions of differentiation and integration. Its contents are the followings: Limits and Continuity, Derivatives and its applications, Integrals, Exponential and Logarithm functions, Technic and Applications of Integrals, Sequences and Series, etc. |
08108 | Sets & Logic | In this class we learn about basic definitions and concepts of sets and related topics. And then we solve many problems in use of them. Especially we deal with the notion of infinite sets, and then we will use them in the study of abstract mathematics. We can devide this class into two parts. The first part is consists of the elementary operations of sets and a detailed discussion of the concept of a function and of a relation. The second part consists of the theory of cardinal and ordinal numbers in the classical approach of Cantor and further materials. |
17523 | Introduction to Future Mathematics Education | The advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution has led to rapid advancements in technology across various fields. In this changing landscape, mathematics continues to play a crucial role as a fundamental discipline. This course offers a comprehensive introduction to the curriculum of the Department of Mathematics Education and explores the roles and prospects of mathematics education in future society |
14863 | Linear Algebra | This course is a basic subject that is applied in various fields such as differential equations, abstract algebra, differential geometry, and applied mathematics. Especially notions of matrix, determinant, vector space, subspace, linearly dependent, linearly independent, dimension, span, linear map are major subjects. |
14600 | Mathematical Analysis | This course deals with the basic theory of analysis in real-valued functions of a single real variable. Topics include: real number systems, elementary properties of sets of real numbers, compact sets, limit of sequences and functions, convergence and divergence of series, continuity of functions, uniform continuity, differentiability. |
16191 | Calculus and Practice(2) | In Calculus 2, we study the following contents: Plane analysis, parameterized equations and polar coordinates, vector analysis, functions of serveral variables, multiple integrals, line integrals, surface integrals etc. |
14601 | Comlex Analysis | In Complex Analysis, we study as follows: Algebraic and Geometric preliminaries, Topological and analytic preliminaries, Bilinear transformations and mappings, Elementary functions, Analytic functions, Power series, etc. |
08114 | Mathematics Curriculum Education Theory | This course explores various theories of mathematics teaching and learning and how to apply them in secondary schools. In addition, based on the understanding of mathematical concepts, we practice to plan and develop secondary mathematics lessons. . |
12858 | Introduction to geometry | In this course the process of historical development of new Geometry in which are induced on arbitrary spaces will be covered. In particular, the principles of the plane geometry built on teaching geometry in secondary school will be studied in detail based on "Euclid's Elements" l. Moreover, it will focus on introducing the process of historical development of non-Euclidian geometry(elliptic geometry, projective geometry, hyperbolic geometry) received by denying the fifth postulate(Parallel line postulate) of Euclidian geometry. |
16769 | Linear AlgebraⅡ | In this class, we study advanced linear algebra theory. Especially notions of rank, representing matrix, unitary matrix, Hermitian matrix, quadratic forms, Principle of Axis theorem are main subjects. |
17524 | Educational theory for Mathematical problem solving | This course deals with the theorical background and history of mathematical problem-solving, problem-solving strategies and metacognition, and teaching-learning methods of problem-solving in mathematics classes. Through this, how to build a teaching environment for education that cultivates the ability to access, use, interpret, and communicate mathematical information is discussed. |
11534 | Psychology of Mathematics learning | This course examines psychological theories related to mathematics teaching-learning. In addition, we will observe and analyze various teaching examples of secondary school mathematics based on the theory of psychology by Bruner, Freudenthal, Piaget, Van Hiele, Lakatos, Polya, and Dienes. This course studies how to apply psychology theory to the course of mathematics instruction based on mathematical conceptual understanding process. |
16433 | Mathematics for Artificial Intelligence | This course deals with essential mathematical concepts and theories (matrix and data classification, orthographic projection, matrix decomposition, gradient descent, least squares problem, basic statistical concepts, principal component analysis, artificial neural network, MNIST, etc.) for understanding artificial intelligence and big data. |
05852 | Number Theory | In this class , we study a introduction of numbers. Especially notions of divisor, common divisor , GCD, prime numbers ,Diaphantus equation , congruent are major subjects. |
16438 | Mathematical AnalysisⅡ | This course is a continuation of Mathematical Analysis. Topics to be covered will include: Riemann integrals, bounded variations, Riemann-Stieltjes integrals, basic properties of series of functions, fundamental theorem of power series, Taylor's Theorem. |
14638 | Differential Geometry | This course covers basic theory on curves and surfaces in the Euclidean three space. We will learn about topics such as vector-valued functions, regular curves, Frenet formulas, local theory of curves, global properties of curves such as isoperimetric inequality and four-vertex theorem, regular surfaces, 1st and 2nd |
14870 | Research and teaching method of school mathematics | We conduct textbook analysis on each content area of middle and high school mathematics curriculum. And we discuss teaching methods of school mathematics. In accordance with the curriculum of school mathematics in Korea, we organize and implement the teaching plan of mathematics lessons. |
13487 | Mathematical logic and essays | In this lecture, We can solve various problems rationally by using basic concepts, principles and laws of mathematics. We can also develop the ability to logically express the process of problem solving. We can lead meaningful educational discussion about problems related to teaching and learning of school mathematics. |
14865 | Topology | In this class we learn about basic concept of general topology and more materials. And then we apply them in various way in studying mathematics. We deal with basic notions of real numbers and generalization it into a general space, convergent sequences, continuous functions, and product spaces. We emphasize to use set operations and it's related topics. |
14866 | Modern Algebra | This subject deals with various algebraic properties related to group theory. Especially notions of groups, subgroups, symmetric groups, and cyclic groups, quotient group, the first isomorphism theory are major subjects. |
17129 | Multivariable Calculus | Differentiation and integration of vactor valued functions are treated in this course. Topics include differentiation of multi-variable functions, the implict function theorem, extreme value theorem for multivariable functions, mutiple integrations, the Fubini theorem, change of variables in integrations, Green's theorem, Stoke's theorem, and Gauss's divergence theorems. |
07003 | Differential Equations | In Differential Equations we study as follows:Solutions of Differential equations(Separable form, Homogeneous, Exact, Integral factor, Differential eq. of order 1, Bernoulli,eq.), Particular solution of D.E,, Sol. of D.E. of order n, Lapace transforms, etc. |
16436 | Complex AnalysisⅡ | In Advanced Complex Analysis we study as follows: Complex integration and Cauchy theorem with its applications, the Laurent series and the residue theorem, etc. |
16770 | TopologyⅡ | In this course, based on the basic contents learned in topology, the theorems established in general mathematics are generalized in topological space and related topological properties are learned. It deals with the subspace, product space and quotient space, connectivity and compactness, axiomatic properties of topological space, and the classification of closed surfaces. |
16437 | Combinatorics and Graph theory | This is a course to learn the method to solve problems with discrete context. Especially, students are expected to understanding of teaching method ‘discrete mathematics’ textbook(secondary school) in the Korea mathematics curriculum. This course includes permutation and combinatorics, choice and arrangement, graph theory, algorithm, optimizations. |
16439 | Modern AlgebraⅡ | In this class, we study the advanced group theory (sylow theorems), and a field theory, Especially notions of Rings of fields, Integral domains, the field of quotients of an integral domain, Rings of polynomials, Ideal, unique factorization stations, Euclidean domains, Extension fields, Galois theory are major subjects. |
14869 | Probability and Statistics | In Probability and Statistics we study as follows: Probability, random variable, Probability distribution, Normal distribution and related distribution, Sampling distribution and Limit distribution, etc. |
17525 | Mathematics using Engineering Tools | The aim is to provide software that can be used to explore and experiment with mathematical constructions in algebra, geometry, number theory, calculus, numerical computation, etc. Sage helps make it easier to interactively experiment with mathematical objects. |
14258 | Algebra Education | In this lecture, it will be examined some related contents of algebra studied in secondary school. After studying and analysing the relationships between the contents and some concepts studied in Linear Algebra I, II and Abstract Algebra I, II, the students will learn theoretical background needed in secondary school and creative the competence of teaching methods. |
16435 | Differential GeometryⅡ | This course covers basic theory of surfaces in the three dimensional Euclidean space. We will cover the topics such as the shape of surfaces, local theory of regular surfaces, geodesics, and Gauss-Bonnet theorem. |
14259 | Topology and Geometry Eudcation | In this lecture, it will be examined some related contents of algebra studied in secondary school. After studying and analysing the relationships between the contents and some concepts studied in Topology I, II and Differential Geometry I, II, the students will learn theoretical background needed in secondary school and creative the competence of teaching methods. |
16771 | School Mathematics | In this lecture, We will look at the goals of the school mathematics education presented in Korea's mathematics curriculum and suggestions for teaching-learning methods and evaluation. Based on this, we can plan a mathematics class. Students are expected to practice mathematics class demonstrations and cultivate their abilities necessary for professional mathematics teachers. |
14257 | Analysis Education | In this lecture, it will be examined some related contents of analysis studied in secondary school. After studying and analysing the relationships between the contents and some concepts studied in Calculus I, II and Analysis I, II, the students will learn theoretical background needed in secondary school and creative the competence of teaching methods. |
Dept. of English Education
At the department of English Education at JJ University, we provide various and systematic curriculum and experience with aims to educate and train passionate and professional middle and high school English teachers. By training our English teachers of the future with theories and practices of English pedagogy, and a systematic understanding of the structure of the language, not only we emphasize the importance of conversational English, reading, and essay writing, but also how to effectively teach English in practice by setting up courses about actual teaching.
Name | Sunhee Choi | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | Introduction to English Language Teaching / English Teaching Methodologies / Lesson Planning and Teaching / Classroom English / English Vocabulary & Reading | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-3133 | |
Name | Lee Je-Young | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-3141 | |
Name | Juwon Lee | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2326 | |
Name | Choi, Sodam | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | Introduction to British and American Literature, British and American Fiction, British and American Poetry, American Cultural Studies | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2275 | |
Name | Hwang Young | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | Phonetics, Phonology, Morphology | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2399 | |
Course No. | Course Name | Course Information |
16038 | English Vocabulary | The aim of this course is to improve students' English lexical competence by studying academic and technical words, which are prerequisite for pre-service English teachers. |
17520 | Future Society and English Education | This course explores the evolving landscape of English education within the context of a rapidly changing global society. In this course, students investigates the influence of societal and technological transformationson English language teaching and learning. |
12673 | British and American Cultures | A survey of British and American culture, including politics, economics, history, the arts and religion. This course fills a need for teacher education, because British and American culture is the focus of content in English materials used in middle and high school English education. |
12863 | Introduction to English Language Education | This course serves as an introduction to English language education. Factors leading to the learning and acquisition of a nonnative language will be discussed and studied. Students will also examine the methods and techniques of teaching English. Assessment, cultural awareness, and self-evaluation of teaching and materials will also be addressed. |
13079 | English Reading | This course aims at developing reading skills fundamental for in-service teachers to become critical thinkers. English readings for the course include literature, philosophy, science, religion, and education. |
12472 | English Grammar | This course aims to give a particular base for teaching school English grammar. It also aims at improving TOEIC or TOEFL scores. |
13080 | English Writing | An introduction to English writing. This course, aimed at developing the skills to write good, clean, simple English, begins with the construction of good sentences and then moves on to the paragraph. The course, which is taught in a computer lab and which involves real-time editing by the teacher, is centered primarily on sentence-level mechanics, and secondarily on organization. |
08393 | Introduction to English Literature | An Introduction to the background and the beginnings of English literature and a chronological genre survey of English literature with works of major writers. It will help, use major works for teaching English in middle and high school. |
08097 | Second Language Learning and Teaching | A comprehensive survey of various concepts, theories and practices in English language and teaching. |
12860 | Introduction to English Linguistics | An Introduction to languages, with special emphasis on the developmental process and structural descriptions of English. |
12675 | English Conversation | The purpose of this course is to teach students various expressions used in real life situations in order to help them develop both fluency and accuracy in English speaking. |
13081 | Advanced English Reading | Practice aimed at enhancing reading skills and developing qualifications for becoming English teachers. A wide range of English readings are covered, including literature, philosophy, scoence, religion, and education. |
13490 | Advanced English Writing | An introduction to English writing. This course, aimed at developing the skills to write good, clean, simple English, begins with the construction of good sentences and then moves on to the paragraph. The course, which is taught in a computer lab and which involves real-time editing by the teacher, is centered primarily on sentence-level mechanics, and secondarily on organization. |
16440 | English Literature and Media | This course examines the complex interplay of literature and media, and investigates foundational knowledge of literary genres, and cinematic and other media adaptation including qualities of each genre, and cultural, sociopolitical, and historical aspects of genre transportation. Students will analytically read a variety of literary and digital works and demonstrate issues involved in the interaction of literature and media, applying critical reading and writing skills acquired during the course. |
09704 | Second Language Acquisition | A study of language learning and aquisition and English aquisition as a foreign language in psychological, linguistic, psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic view, and understanding of the process of English acquisition. |
14872 | English Semantics and Pragmatics | This subject aims to let the students understand various semantic concepts and relevant approaches to meaning determination. Furthermore, this subject broadens its perspective to the domain of pragmatics, which is based on semantic studies and interested in examining how ordinary language users produces their utterances and performs communication. |
14871 | Development of English Teaching Materials and Methods | This course is designed to examine the research- and classroom-proven principles and methodologies of teaching English as a second or foreign language and to practice lesson planning and language teaching. Students will study basic principles and various techniques teaching English including listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and then apply them to designing and teaching lessons. |
13492 | Critical Writing for English Education Majors | The purpose of this course is to develop students’ skills of purposeful writing with focus, organization, clarity, coherence, specificity, and style. In this course, students critically read professional materials in order to write for specific purposes and audiences while at the same time strengthening their critical and logical thinking skills. |
12861 | English Phonetics and Phonology | A study of the sounds of English, including articulatory, auditory, and acoustic mechanism, as they are applicable to the teaching of English as a second language. It focuses on doing phonetics as opposed to learning about it, which is achieved by making full use of multimedia phonetics study tools such as Praat. |
13818 | Advanced English Grammar | This course aims to give a particular base for teaching school English grammar. It also aims at improving TOEIC or TOEFL scores. |
16034 | Practice of Classroom English | The course is designed to equip pre-service teachers with the language skills needed for accurate, authentic, and practical classroom teaching and management in English. It will increase pre-service teachers’ confidence in their own English, and thus the amount of English input that Korean secondary school students receive in the classroom. |
16036 | Reading and Teaching of British and American Novels | The course provides opportunities to read the major British and American novels and short stories, aiming at enhancing students' reading and teaching skills through the English novels. |
16037 | Reading and Teaching of British and American Poetry | The course surveys the basic versification and meter of English poetry and explores the reading and teaching method for major British and American poems. How to use English poems for teaching English to the secondary school students is discussed. |
15397 | Research and Development of Curriculum for Teaching English | This course aims to help the students improve their English writing skills, not only by practising English grammar and styles but also studying the skills of organizing paragraphs and argumentation. For doing these tasks, the students read various model English essays and articles beforehand, and they learn useful patterns and expressions of English sentences in them, which can be applied to organizing more concise composition. |
06874 | English Syntax | This is an introductory course in English syntax. It is geared for the future English teachers, informing them about the theory of syntax through problem solving. It begins with the analysis of sentence structure in traditional grammar, explaining how it evolved to the Transformational Generative Grammar. It also deals with the later development of Transformational syntax. |
17495 | Applied English Phonetics | Using speech analysis software, this course visualizes and analyzes the acoustic features of segmental and suprasegmental sounds in English, helping students understand the phonetic characteristics of English that differ from those of their native language. Students will also explore transfer errors caused by differences in sound systems and gain insights into phonetic variations that appear in different contexts. |
17496 | AI and English Digital Literacy | This course is designed to equip pre-service English teachers with the skills to effectively integrate AI and digital literacy into their teaching practice. Students will explore digital tools and AI technologies, learn how to apply these resources in English education, and discuss ethical considerations for their use in digital environments. |
16772 | Digital media based English Education | A course focusing on how to apply current leading edge technology to teaching English in the classroom. Students as a group will learn, through cooperative self-study, about the variety of software and recording hardware. This will allow them to produce multimedia teaching material for their future students. |
17497 | English Teaching Methods for Children | This course examines effective approaches to teaching English to children, with an emphasis on engaging, developmentally appropriate methods that cater to the unique needs of young learners. Students will explore foundational theories of language acquisition and learn how to apply them through interactive and child-centered teaching strategies. |
16035 | British and American Dramas and English Education | In this course students enjoy the British and American dramas of the major writers. It also covers how to use drama performance for the secondary school English teaching. |
15398 | Planning and Practicing English Classes | The aims of this course are to plan the English classes which reflect various teaching methods and to practice them with micro-teaching, in order to promote the pre-service English teachers’ instructional competence. |
12474 | Seminars on English Education (1) | The purpose of this course is to develop students' skills of purposeful writing with focus, organization, clarity, coherence, specificity, and style. In this course, students critically read professional materials in order to write for specific purposes and audiences while at the same time strengthening their critical and logical thinking skills. |
12676 | Seminars on English Education (2) | The purpose of this course is to develop students' skills of purposeful writing with focus, organization, clarity, coherence, specificity, and style. In this course, studentscritically read professional materials in order to write for specific purposes and audiences while at the same time strengthening their critical and logical thinking skills. |
16039 | The Past and Present of English | This subject focuses on studying the historical development of the English language as‘lingua franca’in terms of a diachronic approach. The advantage of this study gives the students the opportunity to broaden their perspectives on how Old English (i.e. OE) is connected to Contemporary English (CE). Studying this subject can also help the students to more clearly understand the linguistic connections of the literary works which had been written in earlier periods and others which appeared in recent age. |
16040 | English Language Assessment | This course provides an introduction to basic principles and current approaches to classroom-based assessment of English learners in the EFL context. Students will practice designing and writing various test items. |
13082 | English Morphophonology | An introduction to the basic concepts in phonology and morphology, through the medium of the English language. Students are asked to formulate interesting phonological problems and solve them using such basic concepts as morpheme, phoneme, and phonological rules. |
Dept. of Secondary Special Education
This department aims to educate and train special education teachers for middle and high schools, for children with spe-cial needs. The department provides various curricula in order for students to learn balanced knowledge of special edu-cation, and become certified professionals who will take the responsibility of educating adolescents with disabilities. Moreover, through major-related student society activities, and field-linked programs such as practice teaching and field trips, the department aims to train competitive special education teachers.
Name | Park Eun young | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-3186 | |
Name | Lee, Okin | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | Curriculum in Special Education / Teaching Methods in Secondary Special Education / Education for Students With Learning Disabilities / Education for Students With Communication Disorders | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-3295/2820 | |
Name | Chae Soojung | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-4665 | |
Name | Kim, Heeju | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2332 | |
Name | Bok Hun Soo | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | Sheltered & supported employment / Assessment and evaluation of children with behavior disorders / Behavior rehabilitation research methods / Educaiton for students with emotional and behavior disorders / Special education curriculum | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2458 | |
Course No. | Course Name | Course Information |
17503 | Understanding for Children With Disabilities | This course is designed to understand the developmental characteristics of various special children with developmental delays in infants and toddlers and acquire related teaching methods. Therefore, the purpose is to learn basic knowledge and content necessary for understanding special children, form a correct understanding and attitude toward special children, and develop the ability to perform a desirable teacher role. To this end, it explores the causes and prevention of disabilities, the concept of developmental delay, understanding of special children such as children at risk for disabilities,and the delays in developmental areas such as movement, cognition, social emotion and communication, and sociality in contrast to normal developmental characteristics,and the support of teachers. |
17521 | Future Society and Special Education | This course is designed to help students select their major based on an understanding of future society and special education in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, utilizing AI and EduTech. It also aims to foster teacher competency to respond flexibly to the changing society and educational environment. To achieve this, the course explores various topics including diverse learners, special education curriculum for EduTech, AI-based language and communication support, and AI-based behavioral assessment and intervention. |
17517 | Individualized Education Program | Learn about the steps and procedures for developing an individualized education plan and behavior support program that can support the various behavioral problems shown by children with behavioral disorders, and how to create a program. |
15429 | Education for Children With Visual impairments | Students learn about education for children visual impairments generally. Students have the knowledge how the visual impairment affect on the child development, cause and prevention of visual impairment, variety definition related visual impairment, development, history service delivery system of education for children with visual impairments, access of students with visual impairments, education of infant with visual impairment and multiple disabilities, career education related visual impairment and assistive technology. |
17498 | Child Observation and Behavioral Research | This course aims to foster practical application capabilities through the acquisition of theories necessary for observing infants and toddlers in childcare settings and studying their behavior, as well as through the practice of observation and recording. The purpose is to learn observation and research methods suitable for infants and toddlers, and to explore the role of childcare teachers as observers and researchers by experiencing the reality of childcare in the field, and to cultivate basic observation capabilities such as recording childcare logs. To this end, prospective childcare teachers directly observe, record, and interpret the behavior of infants and toddlers in childcare centers. In addition, they will confirm various cases of how various data collected. |
17501 | Education for Autism Spectrum Disorder | This course is designed to understand cognitive, language, social-emotional and behavioral characteristics of students with autism spectrum disorder. In this course, students will learn appropriate instructional strategies for students with autism spectrum disorder. |
15430 | Education for Children With Intellectual Disabilities | This course provides a knowledge about the types and characteristics of children with mental retardation. Students receive the training for diagnosis and evaluation of mental retardation and making out the individualized education plan. |
12603 | Introduction to special Education | Lecture on the characteristics by types of disable and instruction plans. This course helps to understand about disable children and base on the study search for the way to support disable children and as well as child who shows various development quality. |
13819 | Curriculum in special education | This course provides students opportunities to develop and manage contents that focus on activities of children with disabilities and the latest teaching·learning models and evaluation methods. These approaches are based on the changes of general characteristics of organization and administration of special schools’curriculum, educational goals for each subject area, contents, curriculum, and educational policies. |
16445 | Special Education Basic Curriculum(Language·Mathematics) | This course is designed to understand language and mathematics in the Special Education Basic Curriculum, and the curriculum is reorganized and applied according to the characteristics and degree of students with disabilities. |
15850 | Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports | This course is designed to explore the basic principle of positive behavioral interventions and supports for students with disabilities. In this course, students will apply prevention of problem behavior, rule making and application, antecedent and background intervention through functional assessment. Students will learn about alternative behavior instructions and consequence interventions. |
15918 | Education for Students With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders | This course is designed to understand academic and psychological characteristics of students with emotional and behavioral disorders. In this course, students will learn recent and appropriate principles of education for students with emotional and behavioral disorders. |
16183 | Education for Students with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder | This course helps students to conduct an assessment with a good understanding of students with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD) through early detection and provision of appropriate interventions, and apply a variety of behavioral rehabilitation plans tailored to the students. |
15654 | Education for Students With Physical Disabilities | This course provides students with instruction meanings, characteristics, assessments and evaluations, establishments of instructional strategies, and effective instructional methods for students with physical disabilities. |
16442 | Critical Writing for Vocational Education | This course aims to cultivate the students’ writing skills and practical problem-solving capabilities related to vocational education for students with disabilities based on logical thinking and critical writing. |
16443 | Introduction to Vocational Rehabilitation | This course designded the theory and practice of vocational rehabilitation as well as the history, philosophy and govermental legislative basis for the programs and profession. Also the process of vocational rehabilitation services is discussed, along with community resources and agencies are explored |
16444 | Vocational Adjustment Training | This course is designed to understand concepts related to vocational adjustment of students with disabilities, acquire pre-vocational training strategies, and develop and apply vocational adjustment traning program. |
17136 | Behavior Rehabilitation Research Methods | Understand and support the behavior of children with behavioral disorders and learn about methods to study the unique behavioral problems of children with behavioral disorders. |
16817 | Special Education Basic Curriculum(Social Studies·Science) | This course is designed to understand social studies and science in the Special Education Basic Curriculum, and the curriculum is reorganized and applied according to the characteristics and degree of students with disabilities. |
17139 | Augmentative and Alternative Communication | This course is designed to explore the process, assessment, and interventions of Augmentative and Alternative Communication(AAC), and the specific implementation techniques for people with disabilities. |
15916 | Education for Students With Communication Disorders | This course is designed to explore the principles of language development and speech organs and understand language characteristics of students with communication disorders and acquire the teaching-learning method to be considered the characteristics of students with communication disorder. In this course, students will apply these skills in education field. |
15921 | Education for Students With Severe and Multiple Disabilities | This course is designed to understand the psychological and behavioral characteristics of students with severe and multiple disabilities. In this course, students will investigate appropriate instructional strategies for students with severe and multiple disabilities. |
16816 | Teaching Materials and Methods in Vocational Education | This course is designed to understand the nature of vocational subjects, analyze related teaching materials, develop a lesson plan, and conduct a mock teaching. Through this, students will gain practical teaching experiences in vocational subject and develop their teaching and practical skills. |
15652 | Education for Students With Hearing Impairments | This course is designed to understand the psychological and behavioral characteristics of students with hearing impairments. In this course, students will learn appropriate principles of education. |
15922 | Assessment and Evaluation for Students With Disabilities | This course helps students to learn about the theoretical foundations of assessment and evaluation process of students with disabilities, and understand the testing tools’characteristics used for assessment and evaluation, and implement testing usages. |
15653 | Education for Students With Learning Disabilities | Students learn about definitions, causes, and characteristics of children with learning disabilities. Students also learn about the appropriate instructional strategies for children with learning disabilities. |
17130 | Special Education Basic Curriculum(Career and Vocation) | This course is designed to understand career and vocation in the Special Education Basic Curriculum, and the curriculum is reorganized and applied according to the characteristics and degree of students with disabilities. |
17131 | Sheltered and Supported Employment | This course is designed to understand the basic concepts and types of sheltered and supported employment, and apply the practical application of supported employment such as job analysis, job placement, on-the-job training, and follou-up support. |
17134 | Rehabilitation Policy | This course is designed to understand the specific contents and application procedures of law, system and policies related to the rehabilitation of people with disabilities, and prepare the administrative and clinical basis of rehabilitation support for people with disabilities. |
17138 | Transition Education | This course is to learn detailed practical skills on before vocational education and training program such as before vocational education system and stage preceding specialty vocational education, development task, evaluation technique, vocational education in special school, structural path development procedure model for disable person, path development adaptation stage. |
17133 | Curriculum Instruction for Vocational Education | This course is designed to research theoretical background of vocational education, the goal of vocational education, and the analysis and application of new middle?high school curriculum. Students focus on the general guidelines of special education curriculum such as each subject’s instructional practices and curriculum-based measurements based on the unique needs of students with disabilities. |
17132 | Vocational Rehabiltation Counseling | This course is designed to learn theory and process of vocational rehabilitation counseling. In this course students will apply vocational rehabilitation counseling case management |
16818 | Assessment and Evaluation for Students With Behavioral Disorders | This course is designed to identify various assessment and evaluation for students with behavioral disorders steps, and develop behavior support plan. |
16819 | Behavior Rehabilitation Practicum | This course is designed to learn and apply the theoretical knowledge through the field training curriculum as a behavior support specialist. |
Dept. of Chinese Classics Education
The Classical Chinese Education department aims to educate and train sound and cultured professionals and experts through thorough understanding of classical Chinese. By teaching students the methods of traditional teaching and modern teaching, they will be able to learn essence of the grammar, interpretation, writing, Confucian classics, literature, history, and philosophy of classical Chinese.
Name | Sho Hyun Sung | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2207 | |
Name | Baek KwangHo | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | Educational theory of classical chinese instruction, / Curriculum & Instruction in Chinese classics, / Research & teaching method of Chinese classics' instruction books | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-3297 | |
Name | Kim Hyoung Sool | ||
Position | Associate Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-3111 | |
Course No. | Course Name | Course Information |
17522 | Future Society and Sino-korean Classics Education | This course helps understand Sino-Korean education, which is in the spotlight as a true expert in the era of digital AI, and serves as a guide for choosing majors. Students improve their communication skills of understanding and expression through learning Chinese characters, and improve in-depth human understanding, ecological environment sensitivity, and critical thinking skills through learning Chinese characters. |
10594 | Basic course of Chinese classics | The basic course of Chinese classics are classified into verse and prose. The man who majors in Chinese classics should understand them at first. This study course has the purpose to let freshmen understand many styles of literatures and increase their comprehensive faculty. |
10617 | Basic know-how of reading comprension | In order to gain the basic know-how of reading comprehension, students study traditional essential books. They study not only writing reading translating but also traditional custom life and ancestor's learning attitudes. |
10616 | Introduction to Chinese classics | The students who major in Chinese have to study all kinds of essential theories about Chinese language and literature. The subjects and topics which to study are the history of language & literature. literary works minds,.characters. styles and representative writers in every period and so on. |
13094 | Introduction to character of Chinese letters | Students learn and understand the character of Chinese letters, the development process of letters' styles, and the structure principle of every letter. In addition, they learn how to use the principle in studying and writing Chinese letters. |
17505 | character of chinese letters and chinese calligraphy | This course develops knowledge to understand the arbitrary principles and structure of Chinese characters through calligraphy and to understand the development process of Chinese vocabulary. |
16185 | Basic Writing on the subjects of Chinese classics | This course aims to cultivate the student's writing skill by approaching deeply to the educational issue and to grow the competence of writing instruction at secondary school. |
14875 | Reading the Confucian classics | This class is to improve students' comprehension skills and reading skills through reading Dae-Hak. Dae-hak is composited with three main-points and eight sections which explain epistemology, a method of culture, a political theory. |
06994 | Chinese Classics Grammar | This subject is to let the learn and understand the structures of classical Chinese sentences, through teaching Chinese grammar. The students can brings up the ability to analysis and understand any sentence. |
14876 | History of Sino-Korean Literature | This class focuses on the Korean ancient classical chinese from Gojosun to Goryeo, an ancient Korean state(918~1392). Students learn and study the originality of Sino-Korean Literature. |
05703 | Reading Chinese classic Poetry | Students improve basic reading and comprehension skill in select Sino-Korean Poetry transmitted from three nations and learn to teach Sino-Korean Poetry. |
12679 | Reading in selection from the works of modern chinese | This course aims to provide students a comprehensive overview of 20th chinese literature. The emphasis on reading, interpreting and enjoing the modern chinese texts. |
13500 | Method of teaching Chinese calligraphy | Students learn the history and developing course about Calligraphy, the characters of every letter wtyle, and how to write Chinese letters with a native brush pen. |
14607 | History of Literature in the Joseon Dynasty | students learn and study the development process of Korean modern classical chinese : Joseon Dynasty's classical Chinese. We study and understand the character of the Metaphysics and the literary mind in Joseon Dynasty. |
14608 | Reading the confucian classics Joong-yong | Joong-yong is one of the Four-books. It is the text book which teaches us internal mind and moral practice. Students need to read the book in order to understand Confucian thought. |
11917 | Introduction to Chinese instructive phrases from ancient happenings | There are lote of phrases(idioms) from ancient happenings in Chinese classical sentences, So it is inevitable to study and understand the idioms from ancient happenings. The idioms, as instructive phrases, are neat expressions which include deep and profound significances. Students can learn much more Chinese classics through and by reading the orignal sentences which produced the idioms. |
15919 | Confucian classics : The works of Mencius | The students who learn classical Chinese in modern age, should understand modern Chinese neccessarily. They study the character and the structures of modern Chinese sentences. |
13096 | Selective Reading of Chinese Prose | Reading and discussion of selected chinese prose as literature, with some attention to the literary contexts of the time. |
08084 | Educational theory of classical chinese instruction | This study course is pre-exercise for students who will be teachers in the future. In order to solve problem and cultivate teacher's ability, stunents study how to teach Chinese subjects. |
14877 | Research & teaching method of Chinese classics' instruction books | The purpose of this lesson is to provide students with researching and teaching methods in all kinds of Chinese classics, Students study methods to research and teach Chinese subjects. |
10398 | Reading classical Chinese novels | Students study the character of classical Chinese novels, and study the great Chinese novel works of successive dynasties. |
15920 | Reading the Confucian classics | This class is to improve students' comprehension skills and reading skills through reading Dae-Hak. Dae-hak is composited with three main-points and eight sections which explain epistemology, a method of culture, a political theory. |
15923 | Training of translating Chinese into Korean in Digital Environment | This course aims to improve the skills of translating classic Chinese into Korean in Digital Environment. In this course, students will learn the knowledge to produce accurate and high-translational results by utilizing various digital books and databases. |
15924 | Reading select Sino-korean history | By reading representative Korean and Chinese historical books, students will develop their reading comprehension skills and seek deep understanding of history. |
12877 | Reading select Chinese Poetry | Students study the great poetry in Chinese loterary history. The also study the verse character, structures through reading and analyzing the great poetry. |
15925 | Exchange history of Korean and Chinese literature | Understand the flow of literary history in East Asia by reviewing the aspects of literary exchange between Korea and China in the traditional era. |
13501 | Chinese classics Logic and Essay writing | The students need the writing exercise in order to deeply understand their subjects and make out a good research report. In this class, students learn how to establish the topic about all kinds of writing subject, how to analyze the works, and how to write the paper corresponded with the topic. A logical view and analysis makes us far better understand and study Chinese classics. |
08091 | Method of teaching oriental classical Chinese | We read a classical Chinese book and study how to teach oriental classical Chinese efficiently. We learn Chinese and the method of teaching it. |
05022 | Selected reading of The Hundred Schools of Thought | This course aims to improve reading and understanding of The Hundred Schools of Thought. |
13439 | selective reading the ancient Chinese proses of Korea | Readings in prose of the Three Kingdoms and the goryeojo. Author's lectures in parallel chronological flow of Chinese character Bachelor will ever know. Readings in Chinese compared with similar work and we will find the characteristics of Chinese character Bachelor. |
13440 | Selsctiv reading the Chinese proses of Josun dynacty | We study classical Chinese of Josun dynasty. We can find and understand the difference between the ancient and the modern periods. This class is to let students understand writers' and works' characters of Josun dynasty, especially of the latter half. |
10401 | Analytic storics about the Chinese poetry of korea | The storices about Chinese poetry are analytic like these : the composition motive, the work's worth, the writer's character, original work and imitation, the difference between China and korea, and so on. Students lern all about Chinese poetry. |
15655 | Korean humanistic education theory | Understand contents, meaning and value of personality education inherent in Korean traditional culture and learn knowledge that can be practically applied in education field. |
13097 | Curriculum & Instruction in Chinese classics | This class offers a foundation in approaches and techniques for the teaching of Chinese classics from the Instruction observation and analysis. |
05024 | Criticism on Chinese Classical Literature | Students understand the theory, purpose, function of literary criticism. This class is to let students have critic and analytic sight when they read a work or a book. |
Dept. of Home Economics Education
The Department of Home Economics Education aims to produce teachers who have comprehensive knowledge of home economics such as home economics education, clothing, food and nutrition, housing, child development, family relationships, and household management, and thus can professionally teach Home Economics at the Middle and High schools. In order to foster practical experts in Home Economics, in addition to theoretical education, the department emphasizes practical education by building the EM life-culture center in which students do practical exercises in the academic areas of Home Economics. The department also provides students with the national licence courses of child-care teachers and nutritionists. Further, the department intends to produce Home Economics teachers with communication competence, interpersonal competence, creative convergence competence, and self-management competence.
Name | Wang, Seok Soon | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | - Home Economics Education / - Child & Family Development | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2331 | |
Name | Lim Yangmi | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | Child Development, Early Childhood Education and Care | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2338 | |
Name | Jung Eun Young | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2827 | |
Name | SHIM Joon-Young | ||
Position | Associate Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2278 | |
Name | baek min kyung | ||
Position | Associate Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2315 | |
Course No. | Course Name | Course Information |
17518 | Future Society and Home Education | This lecture aims at a basic understanding of the major of home education with the theme of 'Future Society and Home Education'.,The main contents are the AI era, family life and home education, human development, core competencies in the food and shelter life in the era of the fourth industrial revolution, and the role of home and teachers. |
12845 | Foundation & Principles Of Home Economics Education | This class set a goal to make concrete the identity of a Home Economics Education major by establishing the philosophy of Home Economics. This can be accomplished by learning and summarizing the definition & purpose, academic characteristics & foundation, research area & method, curriculum, future career of a major, future of Home Economics. |
08142 | Contemporary Families | This class leads to an understanding of the central concepts and theories of contemporary families. It cultivates abilities that can diagnose family problems through positive examples of family relationships, roles, and problems happening in the family development process. |
08134 | Nutrition | Nutrition deals with the effects of food on health and disease by understanding the digestion, absorption, metabolism and nutrient functions in the body after eating. |
13068 | Introduction to Early Childhood Education and Care | This course provides students with child care history, child development, early childhood education and care, and management of childcare centers. Additionally, this course helps students to apply the acquired knowledge and information to childcare fields. |
15651 | Child Development | In addition to theories of development, the course covers the developmental characteristics of infants/young children and the various environments that influence their development. Specifically, in this course, students will learn about concepts and theories of development, physical and motor development, cognitive development, language development, and social/emotional development of infants and young children, and learn ecological contexts that affect development. |
16186 | Basic home economics essay | This course is a field competency-centered curriculum that is the basis of major. As the curriculum reorganization and teacher training system change, the importance of general education essay and curriculum education has increased. The purpose of this study is to develop the minimum perspective and ability for pre-service teachers to approach the subject of the subject without staying in their major. |
10803 | introduction to health family | Establish the concept and value of family, explore family theories, policies, and practical approaches to make the health family. |
13480 | Curriculum for childcare and Eduction | Infant child care necessary for the holistic growth and development process, concept, composition and operation of the process of care, standard care to learn about the process. In addition, understanding the recent trends of the process of care and are seeking a real advantage. |
12850 | Textiles & Clothing Managemet | This course is to learn about the knowledges of fibers, yarns and fabrics that are clothing materials, and of the general knowledge of shape and structure, manufacturing method, properties and so on. With touching directly the samples, students easily understand and learn how to manage the materials. Through this course, student could select right materials for apparel and manage them properly according to the material. |
07102 | Housing | The main aim of this course is to create a convenient and comfortable living environment from the viewpoint of the user's life. Understanding the theories and present conditions related to housing, interior design, and neighborhood environment, evaluating residents' needs and desires. |
14846 | Home Management | The main aim of this course is to analyze the interactions among the elements of the family system and cultivate the ability to contribute to the improvement of family life by applying it to the management of family resources such as living time, housework, and environmental resources. |
06348 | Advanced Nutrition | students study metabolism of each nutrients in the human body. |
10605 | Food Science | Food science is a course that studies the characteristics, structure, and constituents of foods. It deals with the physicochemical properties, nutritional properties, organoleptic properties, changes in cooking, processing, storage and packaging, reactions between ingredients, food safety and hygiene. |
15656 | Child Observation and Behavior Studies | By observing infants and young children, the course provides students with opportunities to learn research methods for investigating child behaviors, to record and analyze the observation and thus to understand how infants and young children develop and how they can be used in daycare and counseling. |
12848 | Theory of Clothes Design | This course is about the concepts and goals of clothing design, so students learn the elements and the principles of design. They will be able to choose suitable clothes for purposes and fit well. And they will learn the constructive skills for make or correct the designed clothing. |
08141 | Instructional Theory in Home Economics Education | Understand theories of teaching & evaluation which are necessary for secondary school Home Economics education based on the national curriculum. Cultivate the ability that can let teachers plan and conduct creative Home Economics classes as they suit on the characteristics of secondary school field. |
14847 | Instruction and Materials in Home Economics Education | This class aims to strengthen the practical skills required to Home Economics teachers in the school field. To this end, students are expected to analyze and evaluate teaching and learning materials of Home Economics education, develop creative teaching and learning materials, and teach teaching methods at each stage of classes. It also aims to promote students’practical ability to their teaching practice at secondary school fields. |
16193 | Family Life and Welfare | The purpose of this course is to explore the domestic and international policies and systems related to family welfare in order to promote a healthy family life. Specifically, the concept of family welfare, perspectives on healthy family, various family types in modern society and related domestic and foreign policies and systems were covered in the course. |
12847 | Theory of Consumer Policy | Enhances the efficiencies of consumer choices under the rapidly changing market environment by understanding the interaction between consumers and market |
09803 | Household Economics | This class improves the ability for management of reasonable household resources by helping the student to acquire general guidelines and principles related to decision making, and the distribution/use of household resources. |
16194 | Culture of Family | This class aims to cultivate practical problem solving ability to apply knowledge and function learned in home economics in real life. |
10804 | Advanced Clothing Construction | This course is designed, firstly to learn the western clothing construction method for the applied design by manipulation of the basic pattern and to practice the same to be applied to making real western clothing case, and secondly to learn the korean traditional clothing construction method through practice of making children's wear. Finally student can acquire the many-sided understanding and technique of western clothing construction for variable design and korean traditional clothing construction. |
13069 | Social Psychology of Clothing | This course is about costume behavior in Society. Students study the motivation, function and history of costume. Through this, it also explains human costume behavior as social interaction based on social psychological theory. Particularly, students learn the function of costume in the interpersonal perception and the process of impression formation. |
09808 | Parent Education | Grasp the theoretical frame about the relation between parents and childrenunderstand the relation by the growth cycle and shape of the family.Learn the strategy about the efficient education for parents. |
13802 | Interior Design | This course gropes for actual life application of theory by actually planning housing for satisfying desires of family members on the basis of the knowledge learned in Housing study. |
09809 | Clothing Management | This course is to learn all the knowledges which has occurred in the process of clothes purchasing plan, acquisition, use, arrangement, custody and disuse - the choice, cleaning, dying and processing of clothes -and to extend the practicable ability and attitude in daily life even though the process of production and circulation of clothes contain wide variety. |
14385 | Special Nutrition and Diet Therapy Practice | The menu plan method and diet preparation for the prevention of adult-disease will be learned and practiced by this subject |
07614 | Cooking of Korean Food | Through theory and practice of Korean cooking students learn cooking methods, characteristic and table manner of korean foods. The course educates students to get ability to evaluation korean cooking. |
13481 | Logics and Discourse of Home Economics Education | This class develops students’ problem-solving ability as they conduct discussions to find solutions to the problems related to the field of child & family, clothing & textile, food & nutrition and consumer & home management in modern society through concrete examples of everyday life. In this process, students will develop their practical abilities since they improve their major knowledge required to Home Economics teachers. |
17126 | Consumer Financial Management | This course aims to develop consumer finance design ability of individuals and households by studying the principles and practice of consumer finance. |
10752 | Family Counseling | Examine principles of Family Counseling and understand a variety of problems derived from the family.Also, learn effective ways of counseling and how to diagnose the family problem. |
10805 | Family Life Education | This class focuses on cultivating professional ability to solve dynamic family problems as students comprehend inter-dynamic processes among family members and individual development through those processes, relationship formation among family members and behavior patterns of family as a group. |
10806 | Gerontology | Provides a general introduction to theories and research findings in aging. Topics include the background of problems with the aged, physical, sensory, psychological, intellectual, familial, and social changes in the aging, personality and adjustment type of the aged, full-time leisure, the relationships between the aged and family members the support for the aged, and death. |
07099 | Meal Management | Meal management has the knowledge and ability to plan and manage the dietary needs by considering diet, food selection and purchase, food storage and management, cooking, and feeding in consideration of nutrition, economic, preference, and efficiency. |
14597 | Nutrition Education and Counselling Practice | Focuses on education and counselling theories and education process, methods and skills for the nutrition education and counselling. |
05289 | Food and Culture | The course introduce foods and culture of various rations. throw practice the course educates students to get ability to make foods of various nation. |
14236 | Clothing Management & Environment | Students acquire basic knowledge of clothing as the closest environment around the human body. And they learn the effective management methods and environmental- friendly clothing consuming method through reforming, recycling and up-cycling. |
07101 | Culinary Science | Culinary science is the study of rational cooking methods by scientifically identifying the causes and effects of changes in the cooking process. |